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Component Maintenance & Inspections

The Component Maintenance & Inspection Tracking Module allows you to easily manage the component parts and re-curring services on your aircraft fleet. Flight times and logs, as well as pilot currencies can also be tracked.

The Component Maintenance application feature in AvPro™ Software allows users to maintain an ‘unlimited’ number of air frames of any type for a single price, unlike most of the other maintenance software applications in the market today. The component maintenance application lets users import the physical components (and sub-components) for any air frame from a spreadsheet, which will include their associated part numbers and serial numbers, along with any service bulletins or maintenance directives.


When maintaining multiple air frames of the same type, such as Bell Helicopters, the software makes it easy to copy the components into the new air frame and just enter any associated serial numbers on the new entries.


The reporting features are another of the more valuable aspects of the application, because a DOM can not only be alerted when a maintenance event has already happened, they must know in advance when something will happen and be able to plan for the work or inspection to be done. Extensive reporting is available to allow a DOM to produce reports on any air frame with the ability to forecast what will be coming due in a future named period based on flight event averages or the air frame flight history over a previous period of time. This capability alerts the maintenance teams not only as to what will be impacted, but also the parts and labor that can be expected so that work plans and procurement can be synchronized as well.

All of the most important elements of proper aviation maintenance are handled, including...

  • Track Unlimited Aircraft ID’s – Same Price!

  • Fixed or Rotor Wing

  • Fleet Status Monitor – shows status of all aircraft maintenance in Real-Time, Drill-down to see Details

  • Option to send automated email maintenance-due alerts

  • Track Cycles, Hours, Days, Months, and Years Intervals and Lifetime Retirement

  • Track Multiple Cycle Types, Landings, SLD’s, and RIN’S

  • Option to track P/W Engine Cycles: P/T, Impeller, Compressor

  • Tracks multiple interval types (above) on a single entry line

  • Attach Related Documents such as videos, pictures, PDF’s, Etc. to any item

  • Tracks Component Parts, Assemblies, Sub- Assemblies, Sub-Sub- Assemblies

  • Tracks Inspections, Recurring A/D’s, and all Other Recurring Service types

  • Tracks Part Overhauls & Retirements, Movements, and service history

  • Tracks Spares, Tool Calibrations, Parts in Quarantine, Parts out for service, Etc.

  • Generate Log Book Entries

  • Easy Locate/List parts searching by Part Number, Serial Number, or keyword description

  • Forecast Maintenance Due, Parts & Labor Requirements based on Averages OR Historical Usage

  • Robust, Flexible Reporting with data export to Excel and other formats

  • Aircraft Air-Worthiness and Inspection Status reporting

  • Detailed Flight History Entry, Quick Fleet Time Entry, or Customize Electronic Importing of Flight Times

  • Flexible reporting of flight times with export functionality to Excel and other formats

  • Create and Manage Inspection sheets by individual inspection task

  • Quick Item Entry & Setup, Import from Excel Spreadsheet

  • Copy Aircraft function makes adding similar aircraft models easy

  • Manage Service Bulletins and Air-worthiness Directives, Link to FAA website

  • Easy to use, Intuitive, Large Screen Fonts, Highlighted colors for key information

Use Set up and monitor all fleet related details, enter flight hours, landings, cycles, etc. and generate maintenance reports.

Component Maintenance / Inspection Tracking

Discover the benefits of AvPro's™ multi-faceted Aviation Maintenance Software for optimal component maintenance. Never before has one piece of software included so much functionality to streamline your aircraft maintenance procedures.

Every Director of Maintenance (DOM) needs to maintain any flight event that will trigger a maintenance activity on every air frame. The ability to enter daily flight time events has been designed to utilize available technology, such as Hobbs meter readings, spreadsheet imports, or user screen input for any individual air frame or the entire fleet.


These flight events consist of air frame flight hours, calendar time in use, landings, cycles, etc. and they will accumulate in the database for each associated component (or sub-component) or related service bulletin and airworthiness directive. When any of the defined items on any air frame reach an associated maintenance event, the software will alert the DOM that a maintenance event is required.


Decision Software Systems, Inc. 

(561) 792-1477


Proudly Made & Supported in the USA

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